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Top 5 Reasons You MUST Do a Morning Photoshoot In Hawaii

Morning Photoshoot in Hawaii Alison Bell, Photographer

I hated morning photoshoots. Why would I subject a family to getting her kids up and ready BEFORE the sun is up?! I didn’t want to be up that early either so I never ever entertained it until… we moved to Hawaii.

I have done a FULL 180* turn my opinon of morning photoshoots.

I ONLY do sunrise family photos now.

What changed my mind? A few things…

DSC 7962 by Alison Bell, Photographer

Hi! I’m Alison, your chaos coordinator, toddler briber, and parent commiserator. Oh! And Oahu family photographer!

As the ringleader of my own 4-boy circus, I know how hard getting family photos can be.

I run my photo session like a party. I give you something TO DO so you don’t feel awkward wondering, “Where do I put my HANDS?!”

Dad is playing with the kids, everyone forgets what’s ACTUALLY happening, and you look amazing bc you’re actually enjoying yourself. #whoknewphotoscouldbefun

Fast. Fun. Done.

Alison’s 5 Reasons for doing Sunrise Family Photoshoot:

  1. Pretty light
  2. Fewer people to work around on the beach
  3. Easier parking
  4. No sweating
  5. It doesn’t interrupt your day!
Morning Photoshoot in Hawaii

1. Sunrise Family Photos Have Beautiful Light

Photo is Greek for Light. Photo-Graphy means “to write with light.” Photography is ALL about the light. If you want to look good in your photos, the light matters. That means the intensity of the light, the direction of the light and even the distance of the light from you.

When it comes to outdoor, natural light photography, all those variables are determined by two things:

  • The weather
  • The time of day

The weather affects light mainly in the form of cloud cover – how many clouds? What percentage of the sky is covered by clouds? How thick or dark are those clouds? Clouds diffuse the light and block the sun.

Morning and evening light is softer because it comes in an angle (just over the horizon). You don’t need sunglasses, you’re not squinting your eyes, and the clouds have a beautiful cotton candy glow about them. That’s because the sun’s direction is from from the side, making it softer.

In Hawaii, some of the most beautiful beaches are on the Windward side of the island. That’s the eastern side… which is also where the sunrises.

The most beautiful light on the Windward beaches is at or just after sunrise.

Morning Photoshoot in Hawaii

2. Sunrise Photoshoots Avoid Sweating & Under Eye Shadows

Morning photoshoots avoid sweating because its a cooler time of day. You get that. But what you many not realize is that you could be sweating by 8 am in Hawaii.

The sunrise can be as early at 5:45am. Which means you’ll be sweating 7:30 if there’s no wind and no clouds. Both wind and clouds are variable until just a few hours before the scheduled session!

And when I say you’re sweating at 7:30am, I don’t mean a soft “glisten.” I’m talking about your make up is dripping off your face. (Its happened!)

That soft side direction of like at sunrise also prevents dark, under eye shadows. If the sun is coming from an upper angle, the shadows get darker and darker.

What to wear for Beach photos FREE guide by Alison Bell, photographer

3. Sunrise Photoshoots Have Fewer Crowds On the Beach

The crowds on the beaches start as early at 7:30 in the morning. Everyone that comes to Hawaii from the Mainland is jetlagged. Everyone. They are all getting a head start and enjoying their trip too.

The earlier you start your family photoshoot, the fewer people you will have to work around.

And the less photoshopping I’ll have to do on the backend!

But mostly, its the about having the freedom to get the backdrops we want with plenty of space to feel free and also not be in anyone’s way.

Morning Photoshoot in Hawaii

4. Morning Photoshoots Don’t Interrupt Your Day!

If you’re not compelled by beautiful light and freedom from the crowds… This one will do it for you!

A sunrise photoshoot will be OVER so early, you’ll have the entire day a head of you!

If you did an evening session you’ll end up driving back to your hotel to clean up, get dressed and drive back out to your photo session location, wasting hours of your time.

And have we mentioned traffic yet? Evening traffic on Oahu is awful, especially on the H1.

Get up, get the photoshoot done and be off on your merry way.

Morning Photoshoot in Hawaii Alison Bell, Photographer

5. The Jet Lag Works in Your Favor!

Use this to your advantage – your jet lag! Don’t fight it, get up feeling refreshed – you’re in freakin Hawaii, baby! Get your coffee and get prepping for photos.

Morning Photoshoots are 10 times easier when you’re still jet lagged.

Keep reading about about outdoor family photos with Nashville Outdoor Newborn Photos!

More Resources for Morning Photoshoot

I'm a USMC spouse, South Carolina native, recovering homeschool mama of a 4 boy circus. They've taught me the most important facet of family photography: KEEP IT FUN!

Alison's Process

contact Alison

  1. I never really thought about a sunrise session but these are great reasons to do one for sure. I mean our kids are up anyway at the crack of dawn might as well be productive.

  2. I’m not sure which tip was most helpful – they are all SO good and so true! I love myself a morning session – then the kids don’t ask for their “prize” allllll day long, haha!

  3. This article came at the perfect time as I am trying to decide between morning and evening for my own family’s photos. Great tips!

  4. Ashlie says:

    These are all such great reasons for doing a sunrise session. While I’m not a morning person, I actually do like getting up for sunrise sessions. I find that kids always do great for them and it’s such a great way to start the day! Thanks for sharing all of this great info!

    • Alison Bell says:

      I have found it to be the same too! Although Monday morning sessions kinda put a damper on my weekend! ha!

  5. So great, I never even thought about working WITH your jet lag! Genius!

    • Alison Bell says:

      Right?! Embrace it and let it work for you! Sunrise hikes are also awesome when you first arrive.

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I find joy in chaos. The louder, the better!

I'm a USMC spouse, South Carolina native, recovering homeschool mama of a 4 boy circus.

They've taught me the most important facet of family photography: KEEP IT FUN!

hey, I'm Alison!


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