4 Options for Where To Do a Pinning Ceremony in Hawaii

North beach MCBH pinning ceremony

Where to do a pinning ceremony in Hawaii

Hawaii is gorgeous. It begs to be photographed. With year round beautiful weather (for the most part), there’s several options for where to do a pinning ceremony in Hawaii. There’s no reason any Marine should be promoted in a conference room! Hawaii has a few significant areas for where to do a pinning ceremony – some are easy, some carry heavy history.

4 Options for Where to do a Pinning Ceremony in Hawaii:

How to do a pinning ceremony?

A Marine Corps pinning ceremony is pretty basic. There’s the Marine being promoted, a promoting officer, someone to read the promotion message, and someone to pin on the new rank (usually family). Everyone else is extra – there for the party to follow!

What is a Marine Corps Pinning Ceremony?

A USMC Pinning Ceremony is a promotion. The Marine was previously selected to be promoted and the US Congress approved the promotion. Every month a predetermined batch of Marines are promoted to their next rank. This is it!


It’s called a Pinning Ceremony because its when the service member pins on the new rank insignia for the first time. Part of the ceremony is taking off the old rank and pinning on the new, usually done by a spouse, parent, child or mentor.

When the ceremony is done in cammies (some call it fatigues), the rank insignia is changed out on on the collar. When done in dress blues, the rank insignia is changed on the shoulder boards.


The pinning ceremony is quite short. All you need is the service member, a promoting officer, and someone to read the citation. Usually family or friends do the actually pinning.

Most of the time these quick ceremonies happen in a public space. It begins with opening remarks from the promoting officer, followed by reading the citation. The service member takes the oath and receives the new rank. After that the service member typically speaks, and is usually followed with food, drinks, and getting off work early.

North Beach, Marine Corps Base Hawaii

North Beach on Marine Corps Base Hawaii is an open beach for anyone with base access. Its a large open grassy field with two set of stairs down to the sand and water. Showers and changing stations are also available.

North Beach has a beautiful view of the open ocean, air station flight light and the Koolau mountain range off to the west. The sunset over the Koolau Mountains is stunning – when its not cloudy! Its a stunning option for where to do a pinning ceremony in Hawaii!

There’s also a dog park and playground across the street. There’s no better view from a dog park!

Photos of a Marine Corps Pinning Ceremony in Hawaii

marine corps ceremony hawaii
USMC pinning ceremony hawaii photos
where to do a pinning ceremony in hawaii
where to do a pinning ceremony in hawaii

More Pinning Ceremony Resources

I'm a USMC spouse, South Carolina native, recovering homeschool mama of a 4 boy circus. They've taught me the most important facet of family photography: KEEP IT FUN!

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I find joy in chaos. The louder, the better!

I'm a USMC spouse, South Carolina native, recovering homeschool mama of a 4 boy circus.

They've taught me the most important facet of family photography: KEEP IT FUN!

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