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Big Family of 7 | Beach Session

Large Family Photography by Alison Bell, Photographer. Family of 7 with five kids and teens ages 5 to 14. Colorful, vibrant, high energy fun family photographer AlisonBellPhotographer.com

What exactly constitutes a large family? I have four boys and some say that’s large, but I think I disagree. Five has become more frequent in my world the last year and that’s really when the transportation logistics get difficult!

Let’s say 5 kids is a large family. That’s 7 total and in some restaurants that’s automatic gratuity included!

Finishing this gallery after leaving Okinawa makes me a bit sad. Our families had parallel problems – multiple kids on multiple sports teams and one parent around to transport. Its a God thing, but we had three kids each on the same time which made soccer season 2019 manageable!

Needless to say, our whole family misses these people! The hardest part of moving is establishing a new tribe – friends, parent friends with the same values and predicaments, people you trust with your kids. It takes the longest to find and makes a huge impact on daily life.

Thank you guys for helping us thrive during deployments!!

Large Family Photography by Alison Bell, Photographer. Family of 7 with five kids and teens ages 5 to 14. Colorful, vibrant, high energy fun family photographer AlisonBellPhotographer.com
Large Family Photography by Alison Bell, Photographer. Family of 7 with five kids and teens ages 5 to 14. Colorful, vibrant, high energy fun family photographer AlisonBellPhotographer.com
Large Family Photography by Alison Bell, Photographer. Family of 7 with five kids and teens ages 5 to 14. Colorful, vibrant, high energy fun family photographer AlisonBellPhotographer.com
Large Family Photography by Alison Bell, Photographer. Family of 7 with five kids and teens ages 5 to 14. Colorful, vibrant, high energy fun family photographer AlisonBellPhotographer.com
Large Family Photography by Alison Bell, Photographer. Family of 7 with five kids and teens ages 5 to 14. Colorful, vibrant, high energy fun family photographer AlisonBellPhotographer.com
Large Family Photography by Alison Bell, Photographer. Family of 7 with five kids and teens ages 5 to 14. Colorful, vibrant, high energy fun family photographer AlisonBellPhotographer.com
Large Family Photography by Alison Bell, Photographer. Family of 7 with five kids and teens ages 5 to 14. Colorful, vibrant, high energy fun family photographer AlisonBellPhotographer.com

I'm a USMC spouse, South Carolina native, recovering homeschool mama of a 4 boy circus. They've taught me the most important facet of family photography: KEEP IT FUN!

Alison's Process

contact Alison


I find joy in chaos. The louder, the better!

I'm a USMC spouse, South Carolina native, recovering homeschool mama of a 4 boy circus.

They've taught me the most important facet of family photography: KEEP IT FUN!

hey, I'm Alison!


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Yep! I host a podcast interviewing local entrepreneurs about their stories, successes and sometimes strategies!

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