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The Ultimate Relocating a Business Checklist for Photographers in 9 Steps

relocating a business checklist

So, you’re moving your business. Congrats! Either you’re expanding into new horizons, saving yourself form the current landlord’s questionable taste in elevator music, or simply in search a place where coffee isn’t $7 a cup. Whatever the reason, relocation your business is both exciting and a little terrifying – kind of like adopting a puppy, but with more boxes and less poop.

Don’t worry, because I’ve you covered with a relocating a business checklist that’ll help keep things organized, and ideally, minimize the number of times you find yourself hyperventilating into a packing box.

I’ve moved my own photography business around the world seven times now – over 5 different states and Japan. I’ve streamlined my relocating a business checklist to help you transition your photography biz as smoothly as you pack up the toys. So grab your fave mug and let’s dive in!

Alison Bell relocate your photography business

From sell out mini sessions, referrals from strangers, & fully booked, I built predictable photography business that gave me life and income I craved.

But we’re active duty military and it was coming to an end again.

I searched for guidance for months only to find nothing. There had to be a better way.

After 7 moves (2 overseas!) I’ve streamlined a process to help you make more money while moving with the military.

Don’t do it alone. I can help.

Before Relocating a Business Checklist: Setting Yourself up for Success

Step 1: Research your new location(s) & Find Your Perfect Vibe

Maybe you’ve been told where to go, or maybe the world is your oyster. No matter where you are in the process, researching the new location can be done online before you actually arrive, or in person.

Consider what matters most to you and your work:

  • Distance from home – Whether its a new studio or on location shoots, how far are you willing to drive? Are you going daily or just a few times a month? What is the flow of traffic? Will or your clients get caught in horrendous traffic?
  • Client accessibility – What’s the parking like? No one will be in a good mood if they have to circle the block 10 times just to park. Is the shoot spot a long hike? Will small children be able to get to the shoot? Or will mama be sweating and her curls falling?
  • Natural Light – As a photographer, you know light is paramount. No matter if we’re indoors or out, where is the light coming from and how will it change over the course of year? If its outdoors, how will the seasonal weather affect the spot?

Visit your spots several times throughout the day, see who is around and where the shade is falling.

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Step 2: Reverse Engineer the Final Timeline Before Relocating a Business

Before you ever make a public peep about leaving town, you must know your dates:

  • When are you leaving town?
  • When is your final session?
  • Will you have mini sessions before then?
  • How many sessions can you book before then?
  • Will you travel before moving?
  • How many dates are open?

This is all personal preference but you need to anticipate the questions before they ever come.

Step 3: Announce the Move! Aka Create FOMO

Announcing your move is NOT the first thing you need to do! You need a solid plan (enter that timeline above) to give those current clients in order to create that FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). That timeline is finite, creating instant scarcity. Those clients that have been eyeballing your work at a distance, putting it off just because, no more. Its time for them to sh.. or get off the pot.

The key here is clear communication. An Instagram post is great, but add some fun! Use this massive milestone to manipulate the algorithm. Tease them with big news, post a poll in your stories, and tell your email waitlist-ers FIRST. They’ve earned it!

The goal: communicate clearly, have a laid plan to move forward and book up those final sessions because it’ll be crickets in the new place.

Get the Ultimate Relocating A Business Checklist

I’ve moved my photography business seven times with the military – overseas and back again. I’ve spent more time rebuilding a stable business than I have enjoying the fruits of my labor. Starting over isn’t for the faint of heart, but with a little hustle and a lot of strategy, you can continue making money while moving! Download this free relocating a business checklist to get you started.

free move your business checklist

Relocating a Business Checklist Online: Google Doesn’t Know You’ve Moved, Unless You Tell It.

When you relocate a home-based business, the world (and by that, I mean Google) still thinks you’re at the old place until you tell it otherwise. So, updating your online presence is crucial. Here are the essentials:

Step 4: Google My Business

Have you gone to store to find the hours on Google are wrong? Infuriating right? Well, don’t bel ike that. Keep your address updated. This is super important if your leads primarily come through search.

Step 5: Become a Local Expert

Get to know the new area inside and out. Blog about what to where and why, where to eat, best places to take the kids, all of it. Anything you’re learning or wanting to know, someone else is wanting to know too.

Step 6: Marketing Master

Update your website and social media to reflect the new location. That’s everything from on page search engine optimization like keywords, meta data, and filenames to the Insta algorithm. Throw in some fresh photos of the new place! Who doesn’t love a bit of the behind-the-scenes action??

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Relocating a Business Checklist: After the Move Put Down Roots (Again)

If you did quality research before relocating, you know what needs to be done. Now that you’re in place, get the insurance, permitting and licenses secured at every level: State, county, city. The local chapter of the Small Business Administration is hugely helpful here.

Step 8: Model Calls & Intro Offers

When you’re ready to go, but no one is finding you, create a introductory offer or special event to get moving! This can be in collaboration with other small businesses, simple model calls through Facebook mommy groups, or full on mini sessions and free work.

Step 9: Get Social In Person

People buy from people. Put yourself out there in person at local events: farmers markets, local fairs, art shows, or networking events. Don’t overlook LinkedIn networking groups that meet in person, or even better, the local Chamber of Commerce. Often times you can be a guest for free to minimum costs before jumping in as a full member.

At all events, keep a business card at close reach. Follow up on social media with a follow and quick DM saying it was nice to meet them!

Self-Care for the Relocating Photographer (Even Super Humans Need a Nap)

Relocating a business can be a rat race – a mental and emotional drain. Take time for yourself and for your family so you don’t get overwhelmed. Relocating is chaos on every level. But in all that packing, planning, and keyboard warrior-ing, there’s one thing that always gets left behind: You.

So here’s a reminder: relocating photographers need self-care too. Let’s explore why taking time for yourself (and your family) is essential, along with some tips to keep you sanity intact because a happy photographer takes better photos. Trust me on that one.

Family First

Involve your family where possible – like visiting potential shoot locations, exploring beaches, parks, and studio spaces. Grab ice cream and take them along for the journey of digging into your new space like a local expert (wink, see what I did there?).

Find Your Tribe

Take time for yourself to connect with neighbors, creatives and local entrepreneurs. Frequent the places close to you, join active clubs, groups and chamber of commerce. Try everything at first to see what sticks. Then make a practice of consistency. See how you can be helpful to others.

  • Join clubs, neighborhood groups & gyms
  • Chamber of commerce
  • In person networking groups, happy hours, etc

Keep It Moving!

These first weeks and months after relocating a business will keep you running ragged. Sticking to this checklist for relocating will help, but its easy to push yourself beyond your limits trying to keep everything going. But just like a camera battery needs recharging, so do you.

  • Schedule regular time off and stay out of your email
  • Create boundaries and keep them
  • Unplug for a full day from social at least once a week

More Marketing Tips for Local Businesses

I'm a USMC spouse, South Carolina native, recovering homeschool mama of a 4 boy circus. They've taught me the most important facet of family photography: KEEP IT FUN!

Alison's Process

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I find joy in chaos. The louder, the better!

I'm a USMC spouse, South Carolina native, recovering homeschool mama of a 4 boy circus.

They've taught me the most important facet of family photography: KEEP IT FUN!

hey, I'm Alison!


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